Vaše podklady grafik nejprve zkontroluje. Následně připraví vizualizaci umístění vašeho motivu na vybraný předmět nebo textil. Vizualizaci vám pošleme ke korektuře v PDF souboru. Budete-li chtít motiv na předmětu či textilu posunout, zvětšit či změnit jeho barvu, zapracuje grafik tyto požadavky a pošleme vám aktualizovanou vizualizaci. Náročnost přípravy grafických dat pro tisk závisí na kvalitě vámi dodaných podkladů.

Do you have documents processed according to DTP manual

  • When to choose this option?
    If you have already printed the theme, it was prepared by a professional graphic designer, you are an experienced graphic designer yourself or you are otherwise certain that your assets are free of errors and are usable for printing.
  • What's Included with the Service?
    Inspection of delivered materials + 30 minutes of graphic work + visualization of motif placement + brief overview errors in the supplied materials + minor visualization adjustments at your request (shifting the theme, its zoom in or out)
  • Service Excludes
    Edits beyond the paid 30 minutes - such as a second round of adjusting the placement, size, or theme color, etc. We'll give you a price for the next graphic work, and we'll make the adjustments after you agree.
  • Cost
    $ 10 (excluding VAT)

You have print data and need to edit it

  • When to choose this option?
    When you have a theme prepared in vectors and error free, but you still need to edit or change it. Shape, color or content.
  • What's Included with the Service?
    Inspection of supplied materials + 40 minutes of graphic work + minor repairs according to your specification or according to DTP manual + visualization motif placement + up to 3 rounds of proofreading
  • Service Excludes
    Edits beyond the paid 40 minutes - for example, significant changes to the theme, etc. We'll tell you the price for additional graphics work and after your approval we will make the required adjustments.
  • Cost
    $ 15 (excluding VAT)

You have prepared assets and assignments for graphics

  • When to choose this option?
    When you have prepared individual parts of the motif, eg processed logo, prepared texts, you have an idea of ​​its final form and placement and need to create a theme.
  • What's Included with the Service?
    Checking of submitted materials + 50 minutes of graphic work + graphic composition of logo and texts according to your specification + visualization of placement + up to 3 rounds of proofreading.
  • Service Excludes
    Edits beyond the paid 50 minutes - for example, significant changes to the theme, etc. We will tell you the price for additional graphics work and after your approval we will make the required adjustments.
  • Cost
    $ 18 (excluding VAT)

Need a brand new creative design

  • When to choose this option?
    When you have inadequate or no background at all and you only have a rough idea of ​​the form of the motif you want on objects or textile print.
  • What's Included with the Service?
    Inspection of supplied materials + 90 minutes of graphic work + telephone or personal consultation with our graphic designer + creative graphic design + visualization of motif placement + up to 3 rounds of corrections + compensation of unused time.
  • Service Excludes
    Adjustments beyond the paid 90 minutes or complex graphic work - such as complex graphic retouching, multi-page typesetting catalogs, etc. We will tell you the price for further graphic work and required after your approval adjustments.
  • Cost
    $ 38 (excluding VAT)